Morten Jerven Morten Jerven

Book Launch: Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong

On June 4 at 6 pm I will present my latest book at SOAS in London, UK. The title is Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong. Jerven_AfricaWEGIW_Visuals_1#10

In four chapters I deliver a critique of how mainstream macroeconomic literature has sought to explain economic growth in Africa.


You can read more editorial blurbs here, rx but let me quote two from William Easterly and James Ferguson.

‘A highly readable and absolutely devastating critique…Jerven argues convincingly that a better understanding can be obtained by setting aside the “African failure” frame.’ – James Ferguson, Stanford University

‘Jerven brings a healthy scepticism to economists’ pronouncements about Africa. This book should be required reading for anyone who cares about African development.’ – William Easterly, author of The Tyranny of Experts

If you are in London, remember to register for the launch here. The book is already available on and I expect the book to be in stock elsewhere very soon.



One thought on Book Launch: Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong

  1. Bravissimo!!!!

    Let us take this heart
    that the “African Dummy” done got smart
    that across space and time
    any correlation you can find
    who knows if its the end or just the start!!!!!

    (MJ: when is the ebook version coming out. Parchment is parched for me!!!(he, he))

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