Morten Jerven Morten Jerven

Upcoming talks

I spoke at Royal African Society yesterday, and the scheduled talks continues next week: Monday 13 May 17:00-19:00, Oxford University, African History & Politics Seminars Wednesday 15 May 12:15-14:00, Graduate Institute Geneva Thursday 16 May 14:00-17:00, CERI & SciencesPo, Paris Friday 17 11:00-13:00, OECD...
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Bill Gates reviews my book

Favourably and fairly I think.  Bill Gates says: Yet it is clear to me that we need to devote greater resources to getting basic GDP numbers right. As Jerven argues, site national statistics offices across Africa need more support so that they can obtain...
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Foreign Affairs reviews Poor Numbers

According to Nicolas van de Walle in Foreign Affairs Jerven demonstrates with devastating clarity that African governments produce imprecise economic statistics that should not be trusted. Read the full review here.

UNECA chimes in…

Carlos Lopez, cialis the executive secretary of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, seems to have read the right implications from my research in a blog post which starts: Counting matters! Statistics are the backbone of proper planning for Africa’s future... Read more here.

Pictures from the book launch in Vancouver

“African Economic Development: Measuring Success and Failure”, drug an international conference was held recently at Simon Fraser University, pharmacy Vancouver, hospital Canada. On Friday April 19 I launched the book, you can see more pictures from the launch here. Over fifty leading scholars, data...
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