Morten Jerven Morten Jerven

Reading Economics

My latest paper in the Canadian Journal of Development studies is a suggestion for how we can teach economics to interdisciplinary students in development studies. This is the abstract: What is the role of the economics discipline in teaching and studying international development today?...
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The Political Economy of Agricultural Statistics

My most recent paper now available in Early View from the Journal of Agrarian Change. The political economy of agricultural policies – why certain interventions may be preferred by political leaders rather than others – is well recognized. This paper explores a perspective that...
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The Lancet

Poor Numbers gets a favourable mention in The Lancet. The call it a superb book about development statistics Read the short review here.

When A Poor Country Gets A Lot Richer

Planet Money, on National Public Radio spoke to me about Ghana, GDP revisions and statistics in Africa and summarized as: People talk about GDP as if it means something solid, as if it's a mathematically derived and agreed upon fact. But in conversations we've...
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What caused Africa’s recent growth?

In Foreign Affairs I explain that the recent growth is partly good news and partly fiction. The GDPs of many African countries appear to be soaring, which is partly a statistical fluke due to recent corrections of decades of bad data. African countries now...
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